Transitioning into Magnification



It’s common knowledge that good things take time; a vintage port takes decades to mellow, a dental student must engage in years of undergraduate and postgraduate study to continue learning, and we all know that a good cup of tea must be given at least two finger-tapping minutes to brew.

Learning to wear loupes is no different and does require an investment in time, but dental professionals who have taken the time to fully incorporate loupes into their clinical day are reaping the rewards and often wonder how they ever managed without them.

It can take a week or two to become fully adjusted to a pair of loupes. You may think this is time you don’t have, but there are ways to make the transition to magnification a smooth and minimally disruptive experience:

  1. Do your homework. Choose the right pair of loupes for you. As with everything, there is a huge range of choices available and there are several features to think about – magnification, depth of field, weight, TTL or flip-up – so it is important to do your homework. But MOST importantly, make sure you go for a good quality product from a company that offers an in-surgery measurement service (you can’t successfully carry out your own measurements) and also some sort of satisfaction guarantee period.
  1. Build up slowly. Start with moderate magnification like 2.3x magnification and build up slowly. Moderate strength magnification provides a view of the entire oral cavity and it will also give you typically a five- or six-inch depth of field, allowing a clear view without repositioning one’s head. Once you have adjusted to this magnification, you may then wish to progress to higher power.
  1. Give your eyes a break. When you first start wearing your new loupes, plan to use them for short periods, maybe once in the morning and again in the afternoon, for short, simple routines such as polishing or an intra-oral exam. Avoid excessive head motion, relax and let the magnification do the work. Then build the amount of time you use them slowly so that your eyes have time to adjust.
  1. Insist on perfection. If you have bought your loupes from a company which offers a satisfaction guarantee, make sure that you take advantage of their support; this can be especially useful if you do experience any teething problems with your loupes. If the image you are seeing through your loupes isn’t crisp and uniformly clear from edge to edge, and your loupes are not allowing you to maintain a neutral, upright posture, they are not doing their job properly. Make use of FREE initial consultations and satisfaction guarantees – and insist on perfection!

To find out more about selecting the right pair of loupes for you, click here and we’ll be in touch with our recommended solutions.

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