Be kind to the environment and save money


Do you find that you’re spending what seems a small fortune on surgery decontamination cleaning products such as chemical sprays and wipes? Although these products do a seemingly good job, they can be expensive. More worryingly, there are growing concerns about the potential harm such chemicals and their residues can do to the environment and not least, to the people who use them.

We are led to believe by clever advertisers that nothing can be properly decontaminated without the use of pricey chemical cleaning products, but this is certainly not the case. The alternative is to use microfibre cleaning cloths that work in a highly effective way to help decontaminate and clean work surfaces, successfully removing over 99% of bacteria[i], just by using water.

But they must be impregnated with chemicals I hear you cry? NO, they’re not – honestly!

These reusable, washable microfibre cloths boast 30,000 fibres per square inch and more than 500 million fibre strands per cloth and are readily available for you to start using right away – no chemicals needed, just water! The special fibres of a microfibre cloth are capable of entangling and thus removing a wide range of pathogenic particles. When damp, their capillary action rapidly draws contamination into the fibre gaps, removing grease, dirt and bacteria from surfaces, which conventional cloths leave behind.

Machine-washable, these nifty cleaning essentials can withstand up to 1,000 washes, so you don’t have to worry about replacing them every month. Simply throw them in the machine and wait for them to release their contamination so that they are ready to re-use. The magic formula comes in the form of antibacterial nanosilver, which remains active throughout the life of the cloth. Quick and easy to use for all the dental team, microfibre cloths are highly resistant to tearing and snagging with extremely low levels of linting (shedding fibres) and will reduce your cleaning time.

Adhering to colour coding guidelines as specified by the National Patient Safety Agency and BICS/HACCP process they’re ideal for use throughout the dental practice:

  • Yellow – clinical and decontamination areas
  • Blue – non-clinical areas (offices and waiting rooms)
  • Red – bathrooms
  • Green – kitchens

Microfibre cloths really are that simple and effective. They can eliminate both dirt and chemicals just by using water whilst still meeting the requirements of HTM 01-05, saving time, money and the environment!

To find out how you can start looking after you, your practice and your patients with eco-friendly solutions click here and we’ll be in touch with our recommended solutions.

[i] Royal Roads University, Canada – Source: Sustainability case study, July 2005




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